Israel is celebrating its 74th  Anniversary, it has been a very challenging year.  We had an election and managed to form a government.   Managing the Coronavirus was a major challenge for the new Government.  It also made us re-evaluate our family values, friendships, the work environment completely changed, and of course how we spend our money. 


The population of Israel as of 2022 is 9,449 million and growing.
6,982 million – Jews
1,995 million – Arabs
472j thousand –  Other

The median age group in Israel is 30.5 years of age.
The largest age group is currently 0-4 years and the next biggest group is 5-9 years old. 
11% of the population is above the age of 65.  

The majority of you are married, isn’t that great to know?
The average age of getting married is 27.3 

3.91 million of the population are employed, 280K are self-employed.  There are 160K businesses up to 4 employees.  These two statistic makes up 23% of Israel’s workforce.  The average salary increased to NIS 12,142 and in high-tech, it is NIS 26,494.  No wonder why everybody wants to work in high-tech.


54% of the population are in overdraft
80% are in chronic overdraft, meaning they are in overdraft above their level of income.  What about you?

So how much do you earn and which decile do you belong to?

                       DECILE 1           NIS 0-5,139
                       DECILE 2           NIS 5,139-7,780
                       DECILE 3           NIS 7,780-10,812
                       DECILE 4           NIS 10,812-13,906
                       DECILE 5           NIS 13,906-16,179
                       DECILE 6           NIS 16,179-18,633
                       DECILE 7           NIS 18,633-23,135
                       DECILE 8           NIS 23,135-27,097
                       DECILE 9           NIS 27,097-32,470
                       DECILE 10         NIS 32,470+

*All statistics were taken from the Israel Central Burea of Statistics and Israeli Financial Media